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- Vern Tardel’s Spotters Guide To Common Ford Electrical Parts 1927-1959 - Book 1
Vern Tardel’s Spotters Guide To Common Ford Electrical Parts 1927-1959 - Book 1
Vern Tardel’s Spotters Guide To Common Ford Electrical Parts 1927-1959
Vern Tardel, America’s premier traditional hot rod builder, has just released
the first of a new series of “Vintage Parts Directories” for traditional
Ford enthusiasts. This comprehensive 40-page booklet is published with the
goal of helping readers correctly identify parts they have, or ones that
they still seek! All the once common illustrated parts guides have been out of print
for years. With this new directory, which both illustrates the part and provides part
numbers, anyone can visually determine common early Ford electrical
components. It is a must-have for anyone working on 1927 – 1959 Ford restorations.
The directory includes common Ford, Mercury, Edsel and Lincoln parts.
$11.95 + shipping etc.